Friday, August 28, 2015

Create a Simple Thermometer as Middle school science fair projects

Middle school science fair projects - As a student you will be faced with a variety of tasks given by your teacher. One of which is middle school science fair projects. But now you do not need to be confused to choose which projects will be working material, this article will discuss one of them, which no other is to create a simple thermometer as science projects.

Middle school science fair projects

If we talk about the thermometer it cannot be separated from the name of a temperature. What is the temperature?  Temperature is a physical quantity that states the degree of heat of an object. In everyday life you often measure the temperature with sight, touch and feel so you just do the assessment of the degree of heat of an object. It turns out that the sense of touch as the hand can not accurately determine the value of the heat and cold of an object. Hands can only determine the value of the degree of heat and cold of an object relative to the use of feelings.

Therefore, to measure the exact temperature needed tool called thermometer. Thermometer generally formed of a narrow glass pipe enclosed in the liquid contents such as mercury and or alcohol. Do you know what principle is used the thermometer so that the thermometer can be used to precisely measure the temperature? Let us investigate with create our own simple thermometer.

Prepare a glass bottle, water, and red food coloring, straws, and scissors, three pieces of colored markers, white cardboard and clay (wax toys). The procedure works: Put water into a glass bottle; give food coloring so the water became red. Insert the straw into the bottle until get into the water, then close the mouth of the bottle with clay so that no incoming air.

Blow straw slowly until the water rises into the straw. Stop blowing when the water reaches the middle of the straw. Make two slits on white cardboard, cardboard and then enter into the straw. After that, make a mark on the water surface with a white cardboard using a black marker. Mark the water level indicates normal temperature (room temperature). Keep the thermometer in hot areas. Note the water will expand so that the water level will rise. Mark the water level with a red marker. This sign is regarded as a top fixed point. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator for while. Note the water will shrink so that the water level will drop. Mark the water level with a blue marker. These marks are considered as lower fixed point. 

From the activities you have investigated the relationship between changes in the volume of a liquid with temperature changes. The surface of a liquid substance will go up through a straw (the liquid volume increases) when heated and also the surface of a liquid substance will go down (volume of liquid is reduced) when cooled. This relationship is utilized by a thermometer to measure the temperature of a substance.

That's how to make a simple thermometer. Of the activities you can understand the working principles of the thermometer. The project made a simple thermometer can be used as middle school science fair projects. You just have to lay a report that approximately contain the project title, project goals, tools and materials, work steps, results, discussion and conclusions.
