Friday, August 28, 2015

Create a Simple Thermometer as Middle school science fair projects

Middle school science fair projects - As a student you will be faced with a variety of tasks given by your teacher. One of which is middle school science fair projects. But now you do not need to be confused to choose which projects will be working material, this article will discuss one of them, which no other is to create a simple thermometer as science projects.

Middle school science fair projects

If we talk about the thermometer it cannot be separated from the name of a temperature. What is the temperature?  Temperature is a physical quantity that states the degree of heat of an object. In everyday life you often measure the temperature with sight, touch and feel so you just do the assessment of the degree of heat of an object. It turns out that the sense of touch as the hand can not accurately determine the value of the heat and cold of an object. Hands can only determine the value of the degree of heat and cold of an object relative to the use of feelings.

Therefore, to measure the exact temperature needed tool called thermometer. Thermometer generally formed of a narrow glass pipe enclosed in the liquid contents such as mercury and or alcohol. Do you know what principle is used the thermometer so that the thermometer can be used to precisely measure the temperature? Let us investigate with create our own simple thermometer.

Prepare a glass bottle, water, and red food coloring, straws, and scissors, three pieces of colored markers, white cardboard and clay (wax toys). The procedure works: Put water into a glass bottle; give food coloring so the water became red. Insert the straw into the bottle until get into the water, then close the mouth of the bottle with clay so that no incoming air.

Blow straw slowly until the water rises into the straw. Stop blowing when the water reaches the middle of the straw. Make two slits on white cardboard, cardboard and then enter into the straw. After that, make a mark on the water surface with a white cardboard using a black marker. Mark the water level indicates normal temperature (room temperature). Keep the thermometer in hot areas. Note the water will expand so that the water level will rise. Mark the water level with a red marker. This sign is regarded as a top fixed point. Keep a thermometer in the refrigerator for while. Note the water will shrink so that the water level will drop. Mark the water level with a blue marker. These marks are considered as lower fixed point. 

From the activities you have investigated the relationship between changes in the volume of a liquid with temperature changes. The surface of a liquid substance will go up through a straw (the liquid volume increases) when heated and also the surface of a liquid substance will go down (volume of liquid is reduced) when cooled. This relationship is utilized by a thermometer to measure the temperature of a substance.

That's how to make a simple thermometer. Of the activities you can understand the working principles of the thermometer. The project made a simple thermometer can be used as middle school science fair projects. You just have to lay a report that approximately contain the project title, project goals, tools and materials, work steps, results, discussion and conclusions.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Benefits of Science Projects for Kids

Science Projects for Kids - Every child is born with a variety of nature or character, many of the children who experienced the introduction of science through an educational institution. The institution system was built to educate children in a more focused to indoctrinate children and do not allow freely to learn everything with independently. That way the child's curiosity will be more hampered.

Science projects for kids are very useful to provide a simple understanding of a science or discovery by using the scientific method. To be able to do so, the role of children as pupils is given the opportunity to become a subject that will examine and find the results of any scientific events in the stage. As for the teachers just give a little guidance and a motivator for children so the kids not quickly give up or if find the difficult there are not stop the science projects in the middle of the road.

Science Project for Kids

It should be the primary basis of a project is to provide a simple matter through a scientific question. However, if allowed, children also get a chance to choose a theme that will be discussed. As an example of science projects discussed were on the plant that its leaves easy to close its name are Mimosa sp. It was a miracle considering that there is hardly any plants could make a move active like living things such as human or animal, many children who are interested in beginning a course through methods such projects. By doing so, enthusiasm will appear and passion for assessing science project will be increased.

The purpose of science projects is also to more improve the skills of the child. So it is no longer the only material that is controlled, but the implementation and understanding of a problem can be controlled as well. The next step to do a project after determines a problem is observed. Children are directed to see the leaves of Mimosa sp when touched will immediately shut down. The role of the teacher explained to the child just in theory only. It takes an understandable language so that children can understand the concept of science.

When the various tests have been carried out, then the child is directed to make an assessment or a conclusion to the study of the science. Each child is given the freedom to use the language used so that no rigid. Many of the children it can make a conclusion that is very good and true.

To support a science project sometimes we need a tool. The tool can be complementary or testers to a problem. In studying towards a Mimosa sp plants, the tool can be a projector which will be shown animation of motion changes caused by the touch of the plants. Method with a visual tool to make children more focused and understands. Although it cannot be described as real, but children begin to understand the concept of the problem.

If possible, the teacher can also conduct research like in the field outdoors. By looking at the various events are real, then the child will be directed to independently recognize the character of each plant, especially Mimosa sp plants. But for the apparatus, which must be considered is conductive atmosphere is when doing so. This is because sometimes there are children who just cannot create a situation that is comfortable to carry out an observation if it is done in the field. Therefore, the potential of every child needs to be seen on it.

Thus very large benefits to be had when doing an observation. Science projects for kids can make children become more aware and motivated from within the child. With learning so can be a necessity for children to acquire a knowledge.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Example of kids’ science projects experiments

Kids’ science projects | Science cannot be separated from the name of the experiment. Without experimentation then something would not be called as a science because it could not be verified. It is only limited to a mere theory. But we need to underline that science continues to evolve as technology advances that support it. In other words, it now serves as a science might be unbreakable position in the future. One example is the heliocentric theory that broken by the truth of the geocentric. Formerly people thought that the sun moves around the earth and the earth was the center of the universe. However, with further research we know that this is wrong. The sun that becomes the center of the universe and the earth revolved around the sun. Indeed, that appears to our eyes the sun that circulate from east to west, but this is only apparent motion of the sun.

So do not let us think that science is complete and will not be found new things again. Moreover, not let us think of what for teach our younger generation experiments science project. Because we think the science is complete so we think our young generation just has to memorize it. Not! This idea is not right at all. Our kids should be taught about the science project experiment as early as possible. Many benefits can be obtained our kids out of the habit of applying science project in solving everyday problems. Among the mindset of the child to be developing, when faced with the problem our kids not quickly collapsed and despair, the kids is no longer focused on the sadness of the problems that faced but more focused on finding a way out of the problem, that some of the reasons why the kids need to be introduced to the science project. But if you still do not have a picture, here we explain the example of kids’ science projects experiments:

kids’ science projects

Make oil and water to be mix

Things must be prepared:

-    Bottles of mineral water
-    Water
-    Oil
-    Food coloring
-    Detergent

What to do:

Pour water which has been mixed with food coloring into bottles of mineral water. But do not get too full just fill half of it. The purpose of coloring the water is only so that the water apparent. Pour the oil into the bottle and shake. Allow the bottles and see what happens? Water and oil do not want to be mixed. Water is at the bottom layer and the oil is on the top layer. If you try to repeat the steps shaking the bottle as hard and as long as possible despite the oil and water still does not want to be mixed. How to make oil and water are mixed?. Now pour a little detergent and shake the bottle again. Look and see the results. After plus detergent, it is now willing to mix water and oil. How does science explain this?

Both water and oil have stronger bond cohesion of the adhesion. Cohesion is the force of attraction between particles of similar while the adhesion is attractive forces between the particles of different types, in other words the attraction of water particles with water and oil with oil particles stronger than the tensile force of water with oil. That is why water and oil seen do not want to be mixed. Water and oil can blend with added detergent. Detergent molecules consist of the head and tail that is bipolar. One part binds to water and other parts bonded with oil. This is why when you are washing dishes or clothes using soap, so that the fat can be dissolved and clean when rinsing by water.

Thus example of kids’ science projects experiments. Have a nice project experiment.

Steps of science fair projects for kids

The example steps of science fair projects for kids

Science fair projects for kids | The children's needs for knowledge will make the child have a great interest in knowledge. Problem will lead to an understanding that will be considered as a mere rote. It certainly should be well recognized by a teacher. Do not let the science go in and disappear quickly. Need a practice where the role of the child involved in the case. Science fair projects for kids can be carried out by teachers against students. In addition it is tailored to the child's age, understanding how the child was certainly not the same as adults.

In making an idea of learning, things that become the main subject is the material that can be digested by the child's mind, many teachers who provide practice that does not comply with the conditions of average intelligence of children. Of these practices would be futile and ultimately unable to deliver optimal results. The children did not understand the message conveyed in the practice.

Science fair projects for kids can begin to formulate a simple problem and deals with everyday life. Examples that can be taken is the way to breathe, the food that is eaten up into energy and other daily activities. All these things can be made a formulation of the problem by using a simple question. As an example of which is "how the digestive system to convert food into energy sources?" These will be the starting point for the next direction of a study or research.

science fair projects for kids

When it was discovered a formulation of the problem to be studied, then, is that a study or observation, if problems are formulated is about the process of changing food into energy, then we as teachers need to provide a tool such as a human statue that looks organs. Children are guided to determine the direction of the food eaten by humans in accordance with the correct sequence, although at the beginning of practice, many children who get barriers, but gradually, the child begins to understand and know how the process of food from the mouth until start to decompose and turn into energy.

To be able to explain it optimally, you can also use tools such as video playback. The content of the videos displayed food entry process analogous to a motor that food is a liquid fuel. It was obvious how any changes to the order of the energy created. Thus the process of observation and research can be achieved perfectly.

After conducting an observation and students are already familiar with the matter, the next is to write the conclusions derived from the study. You can free the students to create their own style. After the conclusion is made, any person or group of children are present or read the results to all students. Those way children are taught the courage to perform in front of the class. The conclusion read then responded correctly or not. That way there will be a question or refutation of the other children who can strengthen or weaken this conclusion. This way will make children's understanding of the material better.

Once is enough, then the teacher then explains in detail the actual conclusion. The use of simple language is absolutely necessary at this stage because of the way the child is still very simple catch. If some children are still not familiar with the conclusion that you made meaningful review of the need for children to become more familiar.

With the science fair projects for kids, then the child will be easier to understand an event or thing becomes a matter of observation. By choosing a theme related to everyday life, memory and understanding of the child will remain attached as perceived by the child every day.

That’s the example steps of science fair projects for kids which may be beneficial for you.

Learning by Science Project for Kids

More Involve the Kids in Learning by Science Project for Kids

If you are a teacher now, hence the need for knowledge about how to give a science project for kids. Why is this necessary? Because of the ability of each individual course is different so that the procedure for providing material can be different. If there are some children who are more familiar with the subject matter only through the teacher's explanation to the class, then there is also the action goes a scientifically. There are several criteria for a material can be done with the observation system. Usually used as material for the observation of the child is related to the daily lesson children. That way, the child will be easier to see and understand what the purpose of the study.

Science projects conducted by teachers should involve the children as subject’s factor. This will allow the child to understand. With this position also makes children more motivated to know about how a material can be verified.

Science Project for Kids

To create a project that is done first is to determine the formulation of the problem or what the purpose of the study. An example is "How the energy in the battery does could make the lights on? What are the benefits? Now the question as it is indeed bleak questions are simple and more easily digested by the minds of children. With these questions, the child will be more active to read reference on matters relating to electricity. To further facilitate the monitoring, make the children into groups and then tell them to bring stationery such as a note book and pencil to the study.

When the student is ready, the next step is to give an explanation of the material related to the problem. You can bring these children into a special room for natural science subjects. There has been provided a simple tool such as an electric circuit that uses a battery as the main source of electricity. Then mounted lights are connected to the battery by using a cable or wire. For more better understand then a switch mounted on one of the wires of the electric circuit. When the switch connected, it is seen that the light is on. When the switch turned off or disconnected, the lamp was extinguished flame back. After the teacher to explain and practice it, then it's time to involve the children in the study. Each group was tested one by one to use the circuit. When all has to do it, then it means that the children are ready for the next stage.

Children who have been practicing the problem were then asked to provide a statement in writing about things he had done earlier. Give freedom to the children to make a statement without any pressure from the teacher. That way, the child will learn to creativity in making a series of statements. Once completed, any chairman or member of the group was told to read the conclusions that have been made, although sometimes every group has a different point of view, but it must be thumbs up for his courage in making a conclusion.

In the end, you can create an impression that it is an answer that should be concluded by the children. There should be no blame or justification in this case because the look is the same closeness to the actual conclusion. Thus the child will more quickly understand and be more motivated to be able to understand the subject matter.

Thus science project for kids who can we convey this time, may be beneficial for you and the children who become your pupil.